What are the differences between the PLTW sequence of courses and the SELC program?

  • SELC is a cohort experience where students enter into a 3 year sequence of Engineering PLTW courses (IED, POE, DE) that are paired with specific Science courses (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) that offer cross curricular projects.
  • Engineering PLTW courses are also offered on their own independent of the traditional Science course sequence. (Biology, Physics, Chemistry)
  • The Engineering course experience between the SELC and PLTW are independently unique.  They cover the same content knowledge but have different projects and activities that are tailored to cross curricular opportunities specifically for the SELC program.
  • Makerfaire is required for the SELC students and optional for PLTW students.
  • The SELC has a community service requirement for its students that can be served in a variety of capacities.  The PLTW program highlights a community service project in the IED course. 

What are the similarities between the PLTW sequence of courses and the SELC program?

  • Both have access to the Makerspace resources and equipment.  
  • Both cover the same content knowledge, are certified PLTW classes and will include the End of Course Exam that carries the potential for college credit.
  • Both offer dual credit through Oakton Community College.
  • Both have a shared 4th year capstone course for Seniors called EDD. 


