School News: Glenbrook South receives national certification for Project Lead The Way program
After a rigorous implementation and assessment process, Glenbrook South has officially received national
certification for its…(Read More)
STEM pilots new buddy program
ROBOTIC ROUTES: Adjusting the settings on his robot, sophomore Colb Uhleman (front) attempts to perfect its programming. Uhleman acts as a…(Read More)
School News: Problem-solving skills earn GBS hackers first place
From noon on Saturday, Sept. 26, until noon on Sunday, Sept. 27, four Glenbrook South STEM freshmen were locked inside a room…(Read More)
Ribordy takes passion for computers to new level
During an intense moment in the SC14 Student Cluster Competition, senior Lauren Ribordy works hard programing…(Read More)
South students utilize Blogger, express opinions
As the world becomes more dependent on technology, blogging is a tool students have learned to…(Read More)